[general] way_n=N way_e=E way_s=S way_w=W way_ne=NE way_se=SE way_sw=SW way_nw=NW race_man=Man race_orc=Orc race_elf=Elf done=Done hello1="You just arrived to Dorwine Island, standing on the Ship Deck looking on the medieval port. Rat runs on the deck." hello2="Send /kill to attack or [!go!] to exit the ship." hello3="Learn how to play /help and /invite your friends to receive [!diam!] diamonds." hello3_old="Use /go command to look around, /i for player status, /menu to open main game menu." hello4="[!info!] Game is in early Alpha. We strongly recommend to read /terms before you start." race_error="Incorrect answer. Please, what is your race?" diam="Diamonds" diam_done="Congratulations! Your new items shipped to inventory." diam_restore="Health and strength restored!" diam_no="You don't have enough [!diam!] diamonds. Receive them by inviting friends /invite" to_use="to use" rate="Hope you enjoyed playing Dragons Islands. Please give bot [!star!][!star!][!star!][!star!][!star!] or review at https://telegram.me/storebot?start=playrpgbot" channel="Join official game channel for all fresh news, announcements and promotions: https://telegram.me/dragonislands" group="Join discussions in official game group: https://telegram.me/joinchat/DL8QSAcm6Syl7w3sKRkWlQ" invite="Invite your friends and receive 2 [!diam!] for everyone who joins the game. Forward previous message or just share a link: [1]\nAnyone who will click the link gets +100 [!gold!] to start in game!\nUse [!diam!] to restore Health and Strength, buy rare items or sell for gold." invite_mes="Help me conquer the world of Dragon Islands. Follow the link: [1] and get +100 [!gold!] gold for start in the first MMO RPG for Telegram." invite_button="[!man!] Invite Friends" invite_accepted="Your friend registred in Dragon Islands. You received [1] [!diam!] diamonds." welcome="Please, select your language. Пожалуйста, выберите язык. 請選擇你的語系。" welcome_text="Welcome to the world of Dragon Islands. Send /info for bot details." welcome_name="What is your name?" welcome_race="Okay, [1] what is your race?" welcome_name_error="Sorry, that is not a valid input for your name. Please use only latin symbols and numbers. What is your name, really?" welcome_name_short="That is too short for name. Really, what is your name?" welcome_name_exist="Sorry, that name is already taken. Please, choose another one." welcome_name_error1="That is bullshit, not a name." welcome_name_error2="Cmmon, that could not be your name. Isnt it?" welcome_name_error_old="Sorry, what is your name? [1] is not a valid one." welcome_name_none="Please enter desired name:" menu="Commands list:\n/go - current location info\n/i - player information\n/me - current apparel\n/my - items and inventory\n/shop - use your [!diam!] diamonds\n/invite - invite friends to get [!diam!]\n/stat - player statistics\n/set - game settings\n/info - information about game\n/terms - terms and conditions" menu_go="Go" menu_i="Player" menu_my="Equip" menu_me="Invent." menu_help="Help" menu_menu="Menu" menu_shop="Shop" menu_top="Top" menu_quest="Quests" menu_terms="Agreement" menu_info="About bot" menu_feed="Feedback" menu_rate="Rate!" levelup="You can /levelup to improve your skills!" levelup_done="[1] skill is improved. Health and Strength restored." levelup_text="Choose a skill you would like to improve:" levelup_error="Incorrect choise. Please define the skill you want to improve." feedback_text="Please type in some words you would like to send us or /cancel to exit." feedback_done="Thank you for your feedback!" players="Players" items="Items" npc=NPC size=Size monsters=Monsters item_class=Class item_power=Power weight=Weight level=Level gold=Gold exp=Exp player=Player health=Health stren=Strength skills=Skills for_info="for player info" effs=Effects eff_heal=Healing eff_rest=Restoration info_skills="/skills for info about skills" wear_note="[!info!] You can not wear two items of one type in a type. So [1] was taken off." npc_run="NPC run away already." error="Some error right here. Please send /feedback" [info] info_text="\"Dragon Islands\" MMO PRG BOT Alpha Preview\n\nDesigned to deliver old-school style multiplayer online role-playing game experience via Telegram bot.\nWe would appreciative any comments and remarks you can share using /feedback command.\nThanks a lot for your interest!" info_text_i="[!info!] Send /terms to read about terms & conditions." terms_text="\"Dragon Islands\" MMO PRG BOT is in early Alpha Preview stage (Prototype).\nThis software is delivered as-is. Neither MMO RPG BOT developers nor Telegram is responsible for any kind of impact this game can deliver.\nPlease consider that MMO RPG BOT is in constant development and there still can be serious changes in game rules, world and gameplay.\nThat means parameters of you gaming character, items, locations, monsters, NPCs and other players can be changed without special notice.\nAll participants of Alpha releases tests would be rewarded with rare loot and items that would be saved even after stable version release." terms_text_i="[!info!] Please send us your /feedback as you go through." [help] help_head="Player's Manual" [top] top_head="Top players list:" [stat] stat_head="Player's Statistics:" stat_step="Steps" stat_atta_do="Attacked" stat_atta_get="Being attacked" stat_atta_win="Attacks win" stat_atta_lost="Attacks lost" stat_atta_draw="Attacks draw" stat_kill_win="Monsters killed" stat_kill_lost="Monsters lost" stat_kill_draw="Monsters draws" stat_talk="Talks with NPC" [quest] quest_no="Talk with NPCs in the world to get quest for exp, gold and rare items." quest_no_i="[!info!] Ask Koda in Port Vaverick or find Joane in Port Gate for your first quests." quest_act="Active quests:" quest_old="Completed quests:" quest_finished="[!done!] Quest completed. You received [1] exp and [2] gold." from="from" [shop] shop_head="You have [1] [!diam!] diamonds. Use diamonds for:" shop_note="Get [!diam!] diamonds for inviting your friends! /invite" shop1="Restore Health & Strenght" shop2="Full Iron* Armor Set" shop3="Random Iron* Armor or Weapon" shop4="Random Steel* Armor or Weapon" shop5="Random Silver* Armor or Weapon" shop_more="* or equivalent that best suits your race" [set] set_name_change="change your name" set_speak="change language" set_speak_text="Choose your language." set_speak_done="Language changed." set_speak_error="Please, select your language. Пожалуйста, выберите язык. 請選擇你的語系。" [go] go_head=You are at go_i_item="There are items /take to put them in inventory." go_i_mon="There is monster /kill to attack him." go_i_npc="There is an NPC /talk to chat with him." go_i_play="There are other players /look for more info /attack to fight /say to message." go_to="Go to" go_lock="That room is locked. You need a key to enter." go_error="Wrong direction. Type /go to see where you are and all possible directions." go_return="Return" go_no_stre="You can not move - your strength is too low. Take a rest or drink restoration potion." go_no_stre_i="[!info!] Strength restores every minute. You can use [!diam!] to restore instantly and continue travelling.\nStrength can be also restored in hotels." [say] say_list="Send message to players:" say_format="Incorrect format." say_error="No player with such username." say_no="Write your message just after the >username - for example: >User Hello!" say_howto="Just send >username text - for example: >User Hello!" [look] look_no="No players in this location at the moment." attack_loc="You can not attack in this room. Find Arena in town or go to the wild lands." attack_list="Players to attack:" look_list="Players in this room:" attack_wear="Wearing" attack_look="You can take a /look send a message /say or /attack them." attack_head="Attacking: [1]\n[2]\nLevel [3]" attack_hit="Hit [1]: you do [3] damage, suffering [2] damage" attack_ed="You were attacked by [1]\n[2]\nLevel [3]\n\n" attack_my_win="You WIN, achieving [1] EXP and [2] gold, suffering total [3] damage." attack_op_lost="You LOST, achieving [1] EXP, loosing [2] gold, suffering total [3] damage." attack_my_lost="You LOST, achieving [1] EXP, loosing [2] gold, suffering total [3] damage." attack_op_win="You WIN, achieving [1] EXP and [2] gold, suffering total [3] damage." attack_my_draw="It's DRAW. You achieved [1] EXP, suffering total [2] damage." attack_op_draw="It's DRAW. You achieved [1] EXP, suffering total [2] damage." attack_run="Seems like opponent has already run from this location." attack_no_heal="You can not attack with health below the 20% level. Use [!diam!] /shop to restore health, find a doctor or use a healing potion." attack_no_stre="You can not attack with strength below 20 level. Use [!diam!] /shop to restore strength, take a rest or drink a restoration potion." attack_op_heal="You can not attack this user. His health is below the 20% level." attack_op_stre="You can not attack this user. His strength is too low." look_run="Player is no more in this location." attack_extra_exp="[!xp!] This location gives +[1]% to EXP while attacking." [kill] kill_hit="Hit [1]: you suffering [2] damage, doing [3] to monster" kill_head="Attacking monster:" kill_loc="You can not fight in this location." kill_no="No monsters to kill." kill_list="Monsters to kill:" kill_crit="Monster does critical damage to your health. He is still alive." kill_no_heal="You can not attack with health below the 20% level. Use [!diam!] /shop to restore health and strength, find a doctor or use a healing potion." kill_no_stre="You can not attack with strength below 20 level. Use [!diam!] /shop to restore health and strength, rest or drink a restoration potion." kill_win="You WIN, achieving [1] EXP, suffering total [2] damage." kill_lost="You LOST, achieving [1] EXP, suffering total [2] damage." kill_draw="It's DRAW. You achieved [1] EXP, suffering total [2] damage." kill_gold="You received [1] Gold. Send /go to see if there are any items from monster on location." kill_run="Monster run away away." [me] me_no="No item chosen." me_empty="You are wearing nothing. Send /my to check your inventory." me_empty_i="[!info!] Find something in the world or buy from trader." pull_list="You can take off item out to your inventory:" pull_i="[!info!] Item weight in {} symbols. Send /pull_* to unequip item to inventory." pull_ed="You have taken off item:\n[1]\nNow it's in your inventory." pull_no="You can not pull out this item right now." me_on="Item on you:" me_on_i="[!info!] Send /pull_[1] to stop wearing this item and put it to inventory." me_head="Your apparel:" me_note="/pull to unequip item" me_i="[!info!] Item power in () symbols. Send /me_* to take a closer look on the item." [my] my_empty="Your inventory is empty. Send /me to check items you are wearing." my_empty_i="[!info!] Find something in the world or buy from trader." drop_list="You can throw item out of your inventory:" drop_list_i="[!info!] Item weight in {} symbols. Send /drop_* to throw item out." drop_list_empty="[!warn!] There are no items you can drop from your inventory. Try first /pull to unequip items." use_list="Items you can use:" use_list_i="[!info!] Item power in () symbols. Send /wear_* to use item." use_list_empty="[!warn!] There are no items you can use. Find in locations or buy from local trader potions, food or drinks." wear_list="You can put on item on yourself:" wear_list_i="[!info!] Item power in () symbols. Send /wear_* to put item on." wear_list_empty="[!warn!] There are no items you can equip. Find in locations or buy from local trader armor, weapons or clothes." my_list="Your inventory:" my_list_note="/use for items with effect\n/wear to equip items\n/drop to throw them out" my_list_i="[!info!] Item power in () symbols. Send /my_* to take a look on the item." my_no="No item chosen." drop_ed="You droped item:" drop_ed_i="[!info!] In case you would like to return it you can find it in current location until someone else not take it." use_no="You can not use this item. Send /use command to see list of usable items." use_eff_heal="You restored your health by [1]% to [2] points." use_eff_heal_no="This can be critical yo your helth. Item can not be used at this time." use_eff_stre="You restored your strength by [1]% to [2] points." use_eff_no="Item has no effect on you." wear_on="You equipped item:" wear_no="You can not equip this item now." wear_to="to equip item" use_it="to use effect" my_head="Your item:" [take] take_empty="No items here." take_list="Items in this room:" take_list_i="[!info!] Weight of item in {} symbols." take_info="Info about items in this room:" take_info_i="[!info!] Power of item in () symbols." take_no="No item chosen." take_gold="You have taken [1] Gold." take_weight="You can not take more items - it is above maximum weight you can have." take_weight_i="[!info!] Improve Endurance skill or throw away some items from your inventory." take_done="[1] taken /my for inventory /wear to equip /use to use /drop to throw away" take_done_i="[!info!] Items you have not equip on yourself have no impact on your results." take_error="Item is not available." [trade] trade_weight="You can not take more items - it is above maximum weight you can have." trade_weight_i="[!info!] Improve Endurance skill or throw away some items from your inventory." [talk] talk_no="No NPCs to talk with." talk_list="NPC in this room:" talk_empty="There may be no NPC in this location." talk_list_i="[!info!] You can talk and iteract with them."