Looking through windows (Difficulty level: medium) Every now and then we come across a view that takes our breath away. More often than not it’s from way up high, and to capture the vastness of the landscape below, we’re left with no option but switching to panorama mode on our phones or cameras. The problem we find later is that viewing these panoramas can be extremely difficult since the image is so darn wide and skinny that they almost resemble multi-coloured lines. Again, 360 saves the day. Here I am staying at a cosy Airbnb during a freezing cold Vancouver winter. Think about how many photos you would conventionally need to capture these two environments in full from this spot. Perhaps six? Not only did my Theta capture the entire skyline outside, but it also captured a detailed interior of the apartment, including glimpses into the other rooms. I like this shot for its contrast between the cold, unforgiving exterior and the warm, inviting interior of the apartment. Now check out this one from a hockey match... Below are the unprocessed images from both of these planets. Notice how the architecture, the people and the empty spaces are similar sizes on both sides of the glass? This is crucial to creating symmetry between environments in your planet. Shoot wirelessly if you can, it gives the best results!