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Ольга Владимировна
637| на c 2 марта 2022 г.
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Ольга Владимировна


Письменный, Редактор, Последовательный устный, Гид

30 $

10 $

  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Общая тематика
  • Нефть и газ
  • Информационные технологии
  • Вино, виноделие
  • Маркетинг
  • Одежда, ткани, мода
  • Связи с общественностью
  • Транспорт, логистика
  • Туризм

Россия, Москва

Возраст: 28

Стаж: 11 лет


Обо мне

Профессиональный высококлассный перевод (письменный / устный последовательный / гид / перевод для частных выездных мероприятий). Пишите на почту или в телеграм @ DramaWave , буду рада сотрудничеству.


Высшее лингвистическое образование МГЛУ им Мориса Тореза (Московский Государственный Лингвистический Университет). 

Опыт работы в переводе 11 лет. Опыт устного и письменного перевода на бизнес встречах, на конференциях, международных выставках и конгрессах. Опыт перевода экскурсий / гид в России и за границей.



Сбербанк, Volvo, Subaru, VIP and official delegations from United Kingdom, Italy, France, United Arab Emirates, Germany, United States of America,

Coordinator and interpreter for the days of stays of delegations, incl. excursions in Mos- cow and in Saint Petersburg,

translating services at the exhibitions, incl.interpreting of business meetings (oil, fashion, marketing, textile fields)

Tour-guide for official groups and delegations, incl. organising all activities in Moscow and in Saint Petersburg


International World Skills Conference&Competition, Russia, Kazan, Moscow City Government - interpreter at the international Summit in Barcelona,  Interpreted all business presentations, speeches and meetings, Presented new projects to the guests, Managed all translating and interpretation services, etc, Moscow Cultural Forum for the Moscow City Government , Russian Federation interpreter (English-Russian), Far East Global Forum for Sakhalin Government, Russian Federation, interpreter (English-Russian), Crypto conference Money Makers, Moscow, interpreter (English-Russian), Russian Health Forum for Terang Nusa & Adventa Health Int, Malaysia, interpreter (English-Russian), World Congress Smart City Barcelona, for Moscow City Government, interpreter; (English/ French-Russian), Skolkovo, VIP event, interpreter for Coca-Cola company, (English-Russian); International Innovation Summit - for Schneider Electric company (Germany-France), languages English-Russian, French-Russian; topic - innovation technologies, business, Moscow Urban Forum,- (Russian-English, Russian-French) for Moscow City Government, the department of housing. Topics - housing, business, innovation; Army Forum, summer - liaison interpreting (Russian-English) at business meeting at high level and guide-interpreter around Moscow for «Swiss One», «Swiss Aviation» ltd, topics - avi- ation, business deals,  Open House Conference for IKEA, Oracle Cloud Day for «Oracle», The Campus conference with the participation of the Ambassador of France in Russia, Moscow - a consultant (Russian/French) to official delegations and diplomats from Paris; The Chamber of Advocates of Paris and Moscow and the Federal Chamber of Advo- cates of the Russian federation - conference (Russian-French); The Embassy of Monaco in Moscow, - the Diplomatic reception at the Historical Museum of Russia, Red Square (Russian-French); Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Russian Transport Week; Gostiniy Dvor; Sberbank V.I.P conference -- for Sberbank, topics - business and general English; LADOGA, Moscow,  World Food conference (English-Russian);  French-Russian Forum Moscow - (Russian-French); Skolkovo, Open Innovaion Conference, Oil Conference, and others, Moscow  (English-Russian); Radisson Hotel, Lawer’s conference, Moscow, (Russian-French); Ararat Park Hyatt, Russian-French Forum,Moscow, (Russian-French);  IT-conference «Techno», Moscow; Beeline, Moscow VIP presentations; EXHIBITIONS: RosUPACK, for Azimut Print, interpreter (English-Russian), PROD EXPO, Metalloobrabotka for SMW AutoBlok corporation (German and Italy) interpreter (English-Russian), MAPIC, for Ekaterinburg Government, Russian Federation, interpreter (English- Russian), MITTTourism (French,English-Russian) organisation committee of the exhibition, England, The World of Climate, Moscow (French,English-Russian) for Eurovent Global (France, Paris) and Climalife (Europe), topics - climate, cooling/heating machines and supplies, AgroFarm, Moscow (English-Russian) for Öncel (Turkey); InterPlastic, Moscow (English-Russian) for Mines and Minerals STI in-

ternational LTD(Germany); topics - mines, minerals, terms of agreements etc, The World Food exhibition, Moscow, (French/English) for Ankor

International company, topics - supply, vegetables, business deals, Textile international exhibition «TextileLegProm», Moscow, (Russian-English) at business meetings for companies «Ziama Fashions» Pvt, «New Castle KnitWears», «L.G.Industries», topics - knitwear, textile, supply, business, fashion. Metalloobrabotka international exhibition, Moscow, (Russian-English) for the Ger- man company «AutoBlok», topics construction, vehicles, business, MosBuild, Moscow Expocenter,  (English-Russian) for RusPanel company, topic - construction, business; Aquatherm, Crocus Expo, Moscow  (English-Russian) for Wavin Pilsa international (Germany); Aquatherm, Crocus Expo, Moscow (English-Russian) for KSB company (Germany), The World Food exhibition, Moscow liaison interpreting (Russian/English) at business meetings (b2b); Russian Retail Week  business meetings (English-Russian);  MITT 2014, 2015, Moscow; CPM Premium Urbahia Paris, the Haute-Couture Brand, France - (French- Russian); World Food  (b2b) at Ankor International, The World of Games, Moscow,  WarThunder.


TransNeft, Moscow;

Nescafe, Moscow (English-Russian).

The Victory Day, May 9, - for relief fund «The Memory of Generations»;

Miss Russia, Barvikha Luxury Village (interpreter to VIP guests - English-French); 

Coca-Cola Conference in Skolkovo,;

Media-Manager Awards Russia, Moscow,;

«The Day of Steelworker», Moscow preparation and carrying out the event;

«Chaika» Moscow, 2016, press-wall work at the anniversary of the restaurant;

Charity Events (Volhonka Private Residence), Moscow, preparation and carrying out the events;

FIFA, Moscow, the football Day, Luzhniki;

Барвиха/Barvikha Wellness&SPA, Moscow - the anniversary of the VIP SPA-center;



WarGaming FEST Moscow, 

Alfa Future People FESTIVAL  in the cooperation with Alfa Bank.


served as a consecutive interpreter at the events or presentations

Volkswagen, Moscow, consultant and manager of new Tiguan, brand experience;

Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Maybah, Smart , Moscow, MIAS 2016, consultant of Maybah s600, Mercedes-Benz SL Roadster (cabrio) and all other models including Mercedes sub brands Maybah, Smart; brand experience

Subaru, 2012-2016, Moscow, coordinator during special events and presentations;

Volvo, ComTrans 2015-2019, Moscow - interpreter; topics - vehicles.

KIA, the Day of France in Moscow - interpreter (French-Russian);

Peugeot, Moscow, consultant and interpreter (French-Russian) during the presentations of new Peugeot 308;

Citroen, Moscow, DS, interpreter (French-Russian) during the presentations of new Citroen C4, DS 3 at the day of France in Moscow; 

Владею программами: Trados, Memsource


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